Director's Message
Next to being a father and a husband, I can think of no greater love and purpose than that of directing Opportunity Camp. Camp gives me the opportunity to meet so many wonderful people who share the same commitment and desire to serve children and see they learn the life skills necessary to become valued members of our society.
Like most parents, I have my share of restless nights thinking about my children’s future. I can’t help but feel that every decision my wife and I make has a direct impact on who our children are. We felt, it was important for them to learn compassion, consideration and patience. They needed to learn that instant gratification is fleeting and that hard work doesn’t always generate immediate results, but that perseverance builds character and creates a basis for sustained success.
At the same time, I recognized the importance of letting go. I had to trust that we laid a strong foundation at home and instilled important values so that our children were prepared to meet the challenges they will face each day. This is the virtue of camp. Children are exposed to so many experiences that enable them to navigate new situations and develop the confidence and resilience that can only be gained away from mom and dad’s watchful eyes.
I have been blessed to serve at Opportunity Camp since 1980. This program has touched my heart and the hearts of many others by serving the needy in our community. Over the years as we have strived to provide a program that empowers individuals into service, challenge each of us to inspire others and witness changed lives in the process.
It is my hope that you will join hands with us and together we will empower these children by showing them we have the confidence in them that they have what it takes to succeed.
Ken Cheda